Subversion Users
- Markus Schaber (2012-08-09 08:57:33 CEST)
- Ryan Schmidt (2012-08-09 04:12:40 CEST)
- "Could not read chunk size. Secure connection truncated" SVN Repo are getting corrupt
- 'invalid status for updateting properties' error during reintegrate merge (was: no subject)
- (no subject)
- Adding older vendor releases to an established vendor branch
- Apache Subversion 2.2
- assertion failed (status != svn_wc__db_status_normal)
- Assertion failed!
- automatically resolve (some) tree conflicts
- AW: "Could not read chunk size. Secure connection truncated" SVN Repo are getting corrupt
- AW: Can the mergeinfo of a reintegrate-merge be ignored?
- AW: Corrupt .svn directory using Subversion 1.7
- AW: Dump of subversion repository itself?
- AW: Libraries and projects into SVN
- AW: SVN shows error "User does not own lock on path"
- AW: svnsync: E160013
- Backwards compatible clients?
- Bug report: inconsistent $Id$ keyword substitution
- Bug: svn: E000002: Can't create temporary file from template '/tmp/svn-XXXXXX': No such file or directory
- Can the mergeinfo of a reintegrate-merge be ignored?
- Coding system for output of "svn cat"
- Compilation errors building subversion 1.7.6: missing headers
- Corrupt .svn directory using Subversion 1.7
- Creating sparse working copy retroactively from existing disjoint working copies
- Current Wisdom on NFS/CIFS Checkouts & Working Copies
- Custom message for svn on success full commit
- Deleting Files
- Displaying commit logs via Apache / mod_dav_svn
- Documentation for the XSLT file specificed by the SVNIndexXSLT directive
- Dump of subversion repository itself?
- E200030 error on checkout
- e20300 error on checkout
- File external into directory external's directory broken in 1.7
- files in db/locks
- Fwd: [Roman Plessl: Issues building svn 1.7.6 in non apache mode (module mod_dontdothat)]
- Handling non-sequential vendor releases
- How to remove created repository
- How to stop delete files/directory from SVN Repo Browser
- Install SVN from YUM, change Sqlite3 library path
- Interesting mergeinfo corruption bug
- Is there a way to post a comment to a subversion issue without agreeing to colabnet terms?
- Issues building svn 1.7.6 in non apache mode (module mod_dontdothat)
- Issues compiling SVN 1.7.5 on Solaris Sparc 9
- issues ON SSL handshake failed
- JavaHL info2 problem
- Libraries and projects into SVN
- mod_dontdothat RPM building problems with subversion-1.7.6
- Preventing check-ins from a subdirectory in the working copy
- Pristiine copy not present
- Problem running on simple svn commands on CentOs
- Problem with setting up new Subversion server.
- Question about web access to SVN repository ....
- Reintegrate Branch and mergeinfo
- relocate and dump/load
- Repairing or removing broken revisions
- RES: Libraries and projects into SVN
- Subversion 1.7.6 released
- Subversion authentication via SASL GSSAPI and likewise open
- Subversion Live Conferences later this year
- Suggestion required on best migration tool for VSS 6.0 to SVN 1.7.5 migration
- svn 1.7 client issues error on update of single file externals
- Svn 1.7 merge info property
- SVN Authentication SASL GSSAPI on EL6
- SVN codebase backup
- Svn Copy question...
- svn diff --summarize url encoding
- svn merge help
- SVN shows error "User does not own lock on path"
- svn: Network connection closed unexpectedly on checkout
- svnadmin dump & server shutdown
- svndumpfilter --targets file requires leading slash
- svnsync fails on a 'pull' operation
- svnsync in post commit script
- Unable to connect to repository
- Unable to connect to respository
- Undocumented: ssl-pkcs11-provider - What is a «Security Provider»?
- Undocumented: ssl-pkcs11-provider - What is a «Security Provider»?
- Undocumented: ssl-pkcs11-provider - What is a «Security Provider»?]
- UNS: SVN not usable on a Mac (#2464)
- unsubscribe
- Update to psvn.el for SVN 1.7
- Updated for new SQLite version in trunk, propagate to 1.7.x and 1.6.x if possible
- Upgrade 1.5.4 to 1.7.5
- Utilisateurs francophones de systèmes de gestion de code source
- vendor branch merge: how to highlight patches for review?
- vendor branch merge: how to highlight patches for review? [CORRECTED]
- Visual Studio is having trouble viewing the headers
- webdav litmus test and propget
[Subversion] ·
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