On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 7:52 AM, Philip Martin <philip_at_apache.org> wrote:
> I'm happy to announce the release of Apache Subversion 1.7.6.
> Please choose the mirror closest to you by visiting:
> http://subversion.apache.org/download/#recommended-release
Cool. I'm poking at getting a 1.7.6 SRPM set up for it. I am noticing an issue.
The migration of the 'mod_dontdothat.so' to the "tools" directory is
causing me some difficulty with building a clean RPM for it. After it
got added, I was including it in the 'mod_dav_svn' package, with the
option listed but commented out in /etc/httpd/conf.d/mod_dav_svn.conf.
This is compounded by most of the components in "tools" being optional
scripts, not necessarily part of a standard deployment, and not
installed by 'make install''. So Red Hat, and I when building RPM's,
simply included all of "tools" as documents in
/usr/shared/coc/subversion-[version]/tools. But with more binaries
being added thee, and some of them being sensitive to their
compilation environment such as mod_dontdothat.so, this is breaking
So, I'd like to suggest two things:
* Make mod_dontdothat.so installable from the Makefile. The easiest
way to do it is to move it to from "tools" to "subversion", parallel
to subverson/mod_dav_svn, and as a loadable httpd module, it requires
special attention.
* Make the other Subversion tools installable. It should be
straightforward to make the other contents of the "tools" directory
compiled and instlalled into the 'toolsdir', typically
/usr/local/bin/svn-tools, defined in the Makefile.in. It's not
currently used in subverson-1.7.x, but is used in the trunk for the
"svnmucc" tools.
Received on 2012-08-16 07:31:51 CEST