Subversion Dev
- "svn -v status" and file externals
- "svn -v status" produces "?" instead of author and revision for file externals (svn >= 1.8.12)
- 1.9 JavaHL memory leak in ISVNRemote#status
- 1.9-rc1: Javahl compilation issue in RHEL3
- 1.9.0-beta1 up for testing/signing
- 1.9.0-rc1 up for testing/signing
- 1.9.0-rc1 up for testing/signing (was 1.9.0-beta1 up for testing/signing)
- 1.9: javahl.ISVNClient#cleanup(String) always fails with "Attempted to lock an already-locked dir"
- 1.9: javahl.ISVNClient#cleanup(String) always fails with "Attemptedto lock an already-locked dir"
- [l10n] Translation status report for trunk r1671739
- [l10n] Translation status report for trunk r1673353
- [l10n] Translation status report for trunk r1675026
- [l10n] Translation status report for trunk r1676406
- [PATCH] Don't remove empty directories when creating repositories (in some cases)
- [PATCH] Fix swig-py bindings with SWIG 3.0.4
- [PATCH] On the 'ra-git' branch: update to libgit2 v0.22
- [PATCH] small INSTALL file corrections
- [PATCH] Spell-check --config-option
- Apache Subversion 1.7.20 released
- Branch families and branchify
- branching over mod_dav 2.4.6 is O(tree)
- Branching slow 1.8.11 https)
- Build system bug affecting svn_error_codes.h and svn_config.h only
- Cannot checkout or clean up using 1.9 dev build
- Differences in tree conflict reporting between 1.8 and 1.9 (possible regression?)
- error committing to 1.7 servers
- Issue #4554, Wrong file length with PLAIN representations in FSFS
- JavaHL RFE: ISVNRemote should provide API to retrieve a contents of a specific file
- JavaHL RFE: ISVNRemote should provide API to retrieve a contents of aspecific file
- JavaHL RFE: ISVNRemote should provide API to retrieve a contentsof aspecific file
- Making EXPANDED_SIZE reliable in FSFS [was: svn commit: r1673204 - /subversion/trunk/subversion/libsvn_fs_fs/dag.c]
- Move tracking -- prototyping merge into a working copy
- Playing with svnmover
- r1673875: Provide a central and complete implementation for handling FSFS quirks...
- Ready for 1.9.0RC1 next Friday?
- Regression? (was: "svn -v status" and file externals)
- Remaining suggested API changes for 1.9
- RFC: Bump required Java version for JavaHL to 1.6
- RFE: copy with metadataOnly should allow removed/replaced sources and added/replaced targets
- Segfault in Perl bindings when commit touches a large number of files
- Subversion 1.9: svn cp --pin-externals may produce dummy log entries
- Subversion 1.9: svn cp --pin-externals may produce dummy logentries
- Subversion checkout issue with certain short names on Windows
- svn commit: r1664596 - /subversion/trunk/subversion/libsvn_subr/config_win.c
- svn commit: r1667258 - in /subversion/trunk/subversion/libsvn_wc: conflicts.c conflicts.h merge.c props.c update_editor.c
- svn commit: r1670528 - /subversion/site/publish/faq.html#dav-slow-copy (issue #4531)
- svn commit: r1671164 - in /subversion/trunk/subversion/svn: status-cmd.c svn.c
- svn commit: r1672295 - in /subversion/trunk/subversion: libsvn_wc/wc-metadata.sql tests/libsvn_wc/wc-queries-test.c
- svn commit: r1673170 - in /subversion/trunk/subversion: include/ libsvn_fs/ libsvn_fs_base/ libsvn_fs_fs/ libsvn_fs_x/ libsvn_ra_local/ libsvn_repos/ mod_dav_svn/ svnserve/ tests/libsvn_ra/
- svn commit: r1673197 - in /subversion/trunk/subversion/libsvn_fs_fs: cached_data.h dag.c dag.h tree.c
- svn commit: r1673202 - /subversion/trunk/subversion/libsvn_fs_fs/dag.c
- svn commit: r1673204 - /subversion/trunk/subversion/libsvn_fs_fs/dag.c
- svn commit: r1673284 - /subversion/branches/1.9.x/STATUS
- svn commit: r1673919 - /subversion/branches/1.9.x/STATUS
- svn commit: r1674628 - /subversion/branches/1.9.x/STATUS
- svn commit: r1676535 - /subversion/trunk/subversion/tests/libsvn_subr/io-test.c
- svn commit: r1676535 -/subversion/trunk/subversion/tests/libsvn_subr/io-test.c
- svn commit: r1676769 - /subversion/trunk/subversion/bindings/javahl/native/CreateJ.cpp
- SVN Passwd | Authentication issue
- svnmover -- merging with subbranches
- svnmover feedback
- wc-queries-test failures with SQLite 3.8.9
- Weird bug with directory deltification in 1.8.x
[Subversion] ·
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