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[TSVN] Hosting

From: SteveKing <steveking_at_gmx.ch>
Date: 2005-05-17 20:48:31 CEST


Due to some problems with berlios.de lately and the lack of features on
tigris.org there's now a discussion going on to move to sourceforge. I
think we need to decide once and for all how and where TSVN should be
hosted. I really don't like moving stuff around from provider to
provider and always have to rewrite the FAQ/Docs/webpages, use new tools
and change the release procedure.

So, what do we really want:
1) easy uploading of file releases (automatic, with a script preferred)
2) an issuetracker where not everybody can create new issues
3) having our own web look-and-feel, not some forced styles
4) good server uptime
5) reliable backups
6) good/fast service if the server goes down
7) enough bandwidth to handle > 300GB traffic a month
8) hosting/backup/service for our sourcecode repository
9) easy configuration of access to our repository

We can get 4), 5), 6), 7) and 8) from tigris.org. And sometime in the
future we'll get 9) there too (we could have that immediately if we move
our repository from collab.net to tigris.org, but I kinda like to know
that the Subversion devs take care of our repo - they know better than
anyone how to recover the repository if something goes wrong).

We can get 1), 2), 3) from berlios.de, but unfortunately none of the rest

Sourceforge would be almost the same as berlios.de, but has 7) too.

So, the question here is:
Are 1), 2), 3) really that important for us? Ok, Lübbe want's to easily
upload the multiple language packs with a script. I completely agree
there. But berlios.de can handle those language packs very well. Also
the issuetracker could stay there - I think they'll soon have their main
server repaired and most of the problems will go away then.

What I'm also concerned about is Lübbe's suggestion to install a
complete CMS on sourceforge to host also our docs. I really don't like
that idea - we must have our docs in our sourcetree so we can generate
the helpfile for TSVN. Having the docs in a CMS system too would just
double the work we need to spend on the docs, because we have to
maintain them in two places. (Yes, Lübbe told me that there's a plugin
'in the works' for the CMS which can import docbook/xml files too, but
god only knows when that will be ready and if it will even work reliably).

So, I would suggest we keep the website and the docs on tigris.org, also
the msi installer files (tigris.org can handle the bandwidth, berlios.de
obviously can't). We keep the issuetracker and the language packs on

Lübbe, I really appreciate your work and ideas on how to improve the
website, but a complete CMS? Isn't that like shooting with canons on
little birds? (bad translation, but you know what I mean ;) ). Also, I'd
rather have you work on the overlay icons which are needed for the 1.2
release - it will be released sooner than you might think...


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Received on Tue May 17 20:48:57 2005

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