Sharing libsvn_fs_* internals [was: "Locked" messages useless]
From: Julian Foad <>
Date: 2005-11-02 14:33:45 CET
Peter N. Lundblad wrote:
To recap, I'm talking about the two files subversion/libsvn_fs_{base,fs}/err.c
It's not just those files. Presumably, if the two filesystems use the same set
> The question is *where* this file should go. libsvn_subr doesn't seem
Definitely not libsvn_subr. It's some private implementation that's common to
I notice that the fs_* back-ends already have a private and circular dependency
1) Stick with this private and circular dependency:
libsvn_fs_base <==> libsvn_fs <==> libsvn_fs_fs
In this case, more shared stuff could also be placed in libsvn_fs.
2) Refactor so that the dependencies come in clean layers:
In this case, the definition of "svn_fs_t" and any shared stuff like the error
This structure would give us the option of making the interfaces between them
At the moment, while I'd be happy to go the clean, layered, potentially public
That said, I'm not going to do anything unless those who work in that part of
- Julian
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