2013/5/21 Friedrich Brunzema <brunzefb_at_yahoo.com>:
> Julien,
> the open you mentioned usually works for single files - my understanding of the way it works is that for each extension there is a registered program HKCU\Software\Classes\Applications\...\shell\open\command which usually has a [path to program] %1 default value. Since we're trying to open multiple files, this mechanism does not really work well/reliably.
> The way to open up multiple files using the command line is specific to each editor, with most choosing the multiple argument approach. Some do weird things like: eclipse --launcher.openFile myFile.txt, not sure eclipse can even do multiple files, maybe you have to specify --launcher.openFile multiple times.
In Windows in the explorer, you can select multiple files and use
right click --> open. This basically calls the registered program once
for each selected file. For a lot of editors (like visual studio) this
opens the files in a running instance of the editor if there is one,
or starts a new one if there is none.
But admittedly for some editors you end up with one instance of the
application per selected file (ouch). This is definitely not ideal,
but I mentioned this solution because (1) it would work the same as in
the windows explorer (pitfalls and all) and (2) it is a very simple
solution that requires no configuration at all and would work with 80%
of the editors out there. But that's by no mean a recommendation
against a more robust solution like you described (not that I have any
right to recommend anything anyway :-)
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Received on 2013-05-25 02:43:34 CEST