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Re: New and Improved: Open in Visual Studio (patch attached)

From: Friedrich Brunzema <brunzefb_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 05:19:24 -0700 (PDT)


the open you mentioned usually works for single files - my understanding of the way it works is that for each extension there is a registered program HKCU\Software\Classes\Applications\...\shell\open\command which usually has a [path to program] %1 default value. Since we're trying to open multiple files, this mechanism does not really work well/reliably.

The way to open up multiple files using the command line is specific to each editor, with most choosing the multiple argument approach. Some do weird things like: eclipse --launcher.openFile myFile.txt, not sure eclipse can even do multiple files, maybe you have to specify --launcher.openFile multiple times.

There is also an 8K? limit to the size of the command args that can be passed - with long paths, this is quickly reached (40 - 200 char filepaths).

One could extend the existing approach - agree on a number of most commonly used developement studios that support opening multiple files from the command line. One could then detect which tools are installed on the user's system, and present the user an option which tool to use in the Open multiple files in editor. Small drawback is that we would then have to have code to do the open for each app. The code I wrote for opening files in Visual Studio does not even use the command line method, but chooses to open in through and exposed COM automation mechanism.

Another way could be to write the list of working copy files to a file. Have a bunch of scripts, one for each app that knows how to read the list of files and call up the development environment in the correct way. Have a dropdown in the TSVN config that lists all the scripts. If we do it that way, it becomes extensible. We could leave Visual Studio as a special case (probably the most common choice) as it works very efficiently now.

Let me know what you think.



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Received on 2013-05-21 17:17:18 CEST

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