On 3/15/07, Daniel Rall <dlr@collab.net> wrote:
> I propose:
> 1. Karl merges sparse-directories onto trunk.
> 2. Dan deals with the conflicts on the merge-tracking branch
> introduced by Karl's merge.
> 3. Dan merges merge-tracking onto trunk.
> 4. Work continues on these features until at least Merge Tracking can
> thoroughly handle merge history at any level of a merge target.
I had a few concerns about doing this, but with a combination of
thinking about it some more and discussion on IRC, +1, and I will try
to help getting merge tracking wrapped and shipped.
Just one small addition to item 4: let's have a clear point at which
we start thinking of rolling 1.5 (know that we've arrived when we get
there, if that makes any sense - tired). That was one of my concerns,
no clear end in sight. Turns out it was probably just me: Daniel
pointed me to the merge tracking spec, and suggested we should start
thinking about rolling when the "merging" section of that spec is
done. Sounds good to me, esp. combined with a todo of stuff on which
we can chip in.
So, uh, yeah. +1, merge it!
- Dave
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Received on Fri Mar 16 00:29:15 2007