kfogel@collab.net wrote:
> * A solution for the ".svn" / "_svn" problem in ASP.NET.
> Brane has a solution almost done, it's sitting in his working copy.
> http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=105406
> is the latest message in that thread.
> Brane, how much time do you need to finish this out? Is there a
> possibility that we could branch sometime this week and still get
> this into 1.3?
Basically, a few hours to resync/retest and add some warning docstrings
(because, for now, we'll have to maintain the list of valid admin
directory names in two places, yuck). I'll try to get this in by Friday.
If not, merging the patch to the release branch should be a minor thing,
even though it's a mess to have to vote on it.
(Heh, just yesterday I played with the idea oif using " svn" instead of
"_svn". It works, but I suspect it'd be a bit too far out -- and
impossible to document clearly in the book. :)
-- Brane
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