Karl Fogel wrote:
>Recently, Greg Stein pointed out here that the CollabNet developers
>cannot bring Subversion to 1.0 alone, an observation which I'm sure
>shocked no one who follows the dev list and commit emails :-).
>However, the CollabNet people have been mostly (though not entirely)
>responsible for handling the "milestoned" issues, that is, stuff
>scheduled in the issue tracker to be resolved by a certain date. It
>would be *great* if more people want to get involved in those issues,
>though -- they're generally the most critical either in terms of
>severity, or in terms of the number of other issues they block.
>Here, let me be more concrete. Can someone start this off by taking
> http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=872
>...which is set for 0.16, the next milestone? :-)
>That bug is one of the real showstoppers right now: Subversion doesn't
>do i18n on Win32, because of some problems in the apr/apr-util i18n
>support. I believe many of those problems have been at least
>partially resolved since the issue was filed, but whoever takes this
>on will still probably need familiarity with APR* as well as
>Subversion. You'll get plenty of help from the dev list; there's
>plenty of expertise here for APR as well as Subversion. Brane in
>particular had some detailed thoughts on this issue <blatant hint/>.
*sigh* Why don't you just ask, instead of hinting? :-)
As far as I know, the apr-iconv issues remain. There are two _really_
big problems: a) apr-iconv relies on symbolic links to implement charset
aliases, which obviously won't work on Windows; and b) it can't do
transliteration like GNU libiconv does. The first problem can be fixed
easily, the second is much harder.
That's why I'd still go with GNU libiconv. However, I'm 99% certain that
patches for APR t natively support GNU libiconv won't be accepted, se
we'd have to roll our own APR on Windows.
Brane Čibej <brane_at_xbc.nu> http://www.xbc.nu/brane/
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Received on Mon Nov 11 21:39:24 2002