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Re: FreeBSD project and subversion.

From: Branko Čibej <brane_at_wandisco.com>
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2013 07:21:04 +0100

On 06.02.2013 00:58, Stefan Sperling wrote:
> Joke aside, I'm not sure if there is a really good way to resolve
> these ambiguities. I don't really like that fact that we've got these
> --old and --new options in the first place. It seems like a crutch for
> a lack of a better syntax that can express all use cases equally well
> without being rather weird and uncommon. But since the syntax is
> present in releases we have to keep supporting it...

I agree about not liking --old and --new. But we went through exactly
the same arguments back in the day when they were invented, and the
argument that won was against confusing users with the fact that:

    $ svn diff param1 param2

could have two completely different meanings based on some magic
involved in interpreted the parameters, whereas:

    $ svn diff param1


    $ svn diff param1 param2 param3

can each have only one meaning.

I think the only way out of adding --new and --old, given the premise
that user confusion was absolutely evil (which I agreed with and still
do), would have been to have only two forms of "svn diff" -- the
one-parameter form that produces a historical diff, and the
two-parameter form which would produce a diff between the two targets.
However, that was seen as insufficient, given the (then) goal of CVS
feature parity, and simple usability required that we had a way to
produce historical diffs for N targets (where N >= 1).

Given all the above, I think we should find a way to warn users -- with
a one-line note in the header of the diff output, for example? -- about
the cases where the two-parameter diff could be ambiguous (which, I
believe, is when both parametrs are WC paths or URLs); and further, when
any of the paths are unversioned.

-- Brane

Branko Čibej
Director of Subversion | WANdisco | www.wandisco.com
Received on 2013-02-06 07:21:45 CET

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