On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 1:57 AM, Johan Corveleyn <jcorvel_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Some time ago, we were thinking of maintaining some
> notification-configuration inside versioned properties on directories
> in svn. The idea was simply to be able to put a (comma-separated, or
> new-line separated or whatever) list of email addresses in some
> property (let's call it "watchers") on directories. In the simple
> case, just the top level directories actually. Post-commit hook would
> then see which top-level directories were affected, and use those
> email addresses to send commit mails. This then avoids the need to
> setup and maintain mailinglists ... It might be possible to come up
> with a more elaborate system to put more configuration in such
> properties (like people watching only certain authors on certain
> directories/files etc).
> I didn't really think it through (there could be some nasty details,
> performance issues in crawling up the directory structure, ...),
> because we decided not to implement it. In the end, we decided it
> would be much easier to just setup some mailinglists, for the simple
> stuff we needed...
> Just my .02 €
> Johan
A while ago, I wrote something on top of SVN::Notify with a similar feature,
of having a property define who got an email. I threw it up on CPAN at
http://search.cpan.org/~larrysh/SVN-Notify-Filter-Watchers-0.09/ It worked
pretty good. I have since moved jobs, and we use FishEye, which has a way to
setup notifications, and use that instead. So if it has any problems, send
me a patch, and I will apply it.
-- Larry
Received on 2010-03-03 16:10:27 CET