In your example, are you doing the diff as "jim" or another user? If
you doing it as "jim", it should not exit with an error, as "jim" has
access to all repository.
I tried it out with a user who has access only to my local /aaa
directory and nothing else. I do not see the bug (but I use svn 1.1.3
server and 1.2.0 client). The diff command (in both cases, whether
/aaa specified first or second) returned:
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/repos/bbb'
svn: PROPFIND of '/repos/bbb': authorization failed (http://mysvnhost)
On 8/18/05, Jim Paris <> wrote:
> I am using authz on a 1.2.0 server. My authz file contains something
> like
> [/]
> * =
> jim = rw
> [/aaa]
> * = r
> jim = rw
> (ie, /aaa is world-readable, but nothing else is). The command
> svn diff
> fails with error
> svn: REPORT request failed on '/svn/jim/!svn/vcc/default'
> svn: Not authorized to open root of edit operation
> and Apache reports:
> A failure occurred while driving the update report editor [500, #220000]
> Not authorized to open root of edit operation [500, #220000]
> Switching the arguments so that the one that requires authentication
> comes first:
> svn diff
> works correctly. Both "svn diff" commands ask for my password exactly
> once. Is this a bug?
> -jim
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Received on Thu Aug 18 22:38:43 2005