that's what was in the rest of the body of the original message (see
below). I ended up working around the diff problem by using --diff-cmd
diff (for gnu diff) but hit it again on update. I chatted w/ maxb and
others on #svn yesterday and learned I'm never going to be able to use
cygwin textmode mounts w/ cygwin
There is hope, however! I installed and ran regular win32 svn and then
used it within cygwin and it performed as expected and seemed to
interoperate well w/ the other tools I'm using (jedit and eclipse,
both of which work well w/ any line endings). That's my new plan.
On 01 Dec 2004 09:23:06 -0600, <> wrote:
> D S <> writes:
> > I create a simple text file and put some text in it. I import this
> > into the repository. I check this file out and edit it. When I try to
> > do a diff on it, I get:
> >
> > svn: Can't read file '.svn/text-base/stuff.txt.svn-base': End of file found
> When you say "I check this file out", we need to see the exact command
> you ran, its output, and then the full diff command. The name and
> contents of the file would help too.
> -K
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: D S <>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 15:42:34 -0500
Subject: diff problems on win32
To: SVN Users <>
New to SVN...
I'm having trouble running svn diff on simple text files using svn
1.1.1 on cygwin. I installed svn through cygwin so I'm assuming that
it was properly built. I'm running svnserve 1.1.1 w/ FSFS on linux.
I create a simple text file and put some text in it. I import this
into the repository. I check this file out and edit it. When I try to
do a diff on it, I get:
svn: Can't read file '.svn/text-base/stuff.txt.svn-base': End of file found
I did some googling on this and it looks like this is related to the
CRLF/LF mismatch from windows to *nix. I used auto-props to set the
svn:eol-style property to native for *.txt files on add and import. I
confirm that the file is checked out w/ the property set correctly. Is
this property not checked in reference to the svn-base copy used in
the diff? Is the problem even related to this? most of the posts I've
seen are pretty old and not directly related to this issue.
Here's what I did:
daxis@localhost /d/tmp/
$ mkdir stuff
daxis@localhost /d/tmp/
$ cat > stuff.txt
this file now has some stuff in it.
more stuff on this line.
daxis@localhost /d/tmp/
$ cat stuff/stuff.txt
this file now has some stuff in it.
more stuff on this line.
daxis@localhost /d/tmp/stuff
$ svn import svn:/eagle/stuff -m"importing stuff"
Adding stuff.txt
Committed revision 4.
daxis@localhost /d/tmp/stuff
$ cd ..
daxis@localhost /d/tmp/
$ rm -rf stuff/
daxis@localhost /d/tmp/
$ svn co svn:/eagle/stuff
A stuff/stuff.txt
Checked out revision 4.
daxis@localhost /d/tmp/
$ cd stuff/
daxis@localhost /d/tmp/stuff
$ svn propget svn:eol-style stuff.txt
daxis@localhost /d/tmp/stuff
$ cat > stuff.txt
I have changed the stuff in this file.
daxis@localhost /d/tmp/stuff
$ cat stuff.txt
I have changed the stuff in this file.
daxis@localhost /d/tmp/stuff
$ svn status stuff.txt
M stuff.txt
daxis@localhost /d/tmp/stuff
$ svn diff stuff.txt
svn: Can't read file '.svn/text-base/stuff.txt.svn-base': End of file found
does anyone have any suggestions here?
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Received on Wed Dec 1 20:51:10 2004