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How to setup Multi-Site Repositories?

From: <bse2000_at_gmx.de>
Date: 2004-12-01 08:38:24 CET

Hi again,

I'm wondering what would be the best way to setup a multi-site

We have two groups that should be able to work with a common repository:
One group is sitting in the company office and the other is working
somewhere else in a 'field'. The latter have only occasional access to the
company network (likely through a slow internet connection).

My idea is to have a 'master' repository in the company network and a
'slave' repository on an external hard drive for the field team. Now I need
a tool that would be able to handle multiple SVN repositories and that
allows a sync/merge between them.

As far as I understood from the SVK docs, one cannot use SVN clients like
TortoiseSVN to read/write the repositories. Instead one has to use SVK
commands to access the repositories which would not be so nice for the users
who want a nice SVN GUI :-()

Other tools like SVN:Mirror I could not install on my Windows machine
(neither under Windows nor under Cygwin :-().

Is there perhaps another solution in order to allow repository syncs/merges
in a Windows environment?

Thanks for any hints!!

Best regards

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Received on Wed Dec 1 08:40:34 2004

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