Jan Evert van Grootheest <j.grootheest@euronext.nl> writes:
> You may actually want to check Tinderbox (from the mozilla project).
> Tinderbox is their implementation to make automated builds. One of its
> features (if I understood correctly) is that it allows you to add a 'client'
> that performs the build when you like it (i.e. your idea of 'night') and
> returns the results to the server. That's about all I know about it, so i
> might be wrong. I have no experience with it.
> Mozilla uses it to create daily builds. I don't know if they use it to
> create releases, but it wouldn't surprise me.
The one problem with tinderbox is it somewhat assumes (from what I can
tell) that there is a set of servers the project has full access to
for doing the builds on. Since the Subversion project doesn't appear
to have such a hardware pool, it may not work (at least not
unmodified) for us.
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Received on Thu Mar 25 16:28:09 2004