Ben Collins-Sussman wrote:
>On Fri, 2003-11-21 at 07:26, Daniel Achermann wrote:
>>I have the following configuration:
>>subversion 0.27 on a Suse Linux 8.2 with accessing through Apache
>>In Apache I set up access control (require valid user).
>This may sound harsh, but it's not worth our time to help you debug a
>version of svn that is over three months old. Please stop using 0.27,
>and upgrade to 0.33.1, both client and server. If the bug persists, we
>can help out.
First thanks for your answer and sorry to bother you as a developper. I
know I'm using an old version and I certainly didn't want to let you
start debugging for my problem. I just hoped that the problem is a known
one with some easy solution.
I wanted to upgrade already for a long time to a newer version but I'm a
linux newbie and was already proud enough to set whole system linux -
apache - subversion. Unfortunately I couldn't find any newer binary
distribution for Suse - it seems that the person maintaining the link on
suse ftp server want to avoid people having trouble with upgrade from
0.27 to 0.28. And I don't feel really secure enough to create binaries
by myself.
Well, well, you might say don't use alpha software as a newbie. But
sometimes it's hard to resist eating from the sweets even so they are
not yet ready. But I guess there is no other way then trying upgrade by
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Received on Sat Nov 22 09:29:07 2003