RE: Introduction
From: Kenneth Olving <>
Date: 2003-09-20 23:42:52 CEST
> But there's still no tracking of merge history. As a CC
Yup, that's the next major thing on my most wanted list. With CC, we routinely run fully automated merges inside my process wrapper - works perfectly, and it has practially never made the wrong decisions. Wonderful to have.
I've definitively been trying to convey all this to 'my' users and management - while we do pay a hefty price for CC you actually do get a fair amount of non-trivial functionality for the money. All in all, still big bang for the buck.
But times change and I'm willing to try to take the plunge - there are benefits and reasons to switch to Svn, too. The potential is there for solving the above and other things too.
> Time... time... just give Subversion some time to mature.
Absolutely - but it will not mature unless it being used and hopefully this will end up being a contribution in that direction, and maybe we will eventually be able to contribute functionality.
An interesting almost philosophical question: what were the main reasons for using a C approach? Was this a conscious decision due to perhaps the apache and berkeley db interfaces...or something else? Completely self-serving :-), a pure Java implementation would have made my life easier...:-)
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