Andreas Guenther <> writes:
> Below you'll see the current settings in regards to the Reply-To header for each list:
> [announce@subversion]
> Reply-To: users@subversion
> [committers@subversion]
> Reply-To: committers@subversion
> [dev@subversion]
> Reply-To: SENDER
> [issues@subversion]
> Reply-To: dev@subversion
> [svn@subversion]
> Reply-To: SENDER
> [users@subversion]
> Reply-To header is completely stripped
> I will talk to Karl about the above settings and correct them accordingly.
I assume by "SENDER" you just mean that the Reply-to is left however
the sender set it (and if there is no Reply-to, none is added). That
is the correct setting for every list above, except 'issues', which
can remain 'dev'. [Although even then, the preferable way to
implement would be for the issue tracker itself to set Reply-to to
'dev', and for the mailing list to leave it alone... However, I'm not
going to quibble :-).]
Thanks, Andreas. I have login on, but looking at those
conf files, I have the strong feeling that I'd be more likely to mess
this up than get it right.
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Received on Fri Aug 15 16:56:06 2003