On 03.09.2015 15:25, Daniele Pedroni wrote:
> I tried with suggested 1.9.1 release, still no luck.
> Checkout on network folder throws "Access denied" error.
> Is this 1.9.1 the head of development trunk, or a released version?
> Do you think it should have worked, or just to try if something had
> been fixed so far?
This is the official 1.9.1 release. Just not announced yet because I'm
waiting for the website to get updated first.
As for your error:
Having a repository on a network share is *not* safe:
Having a working copy on a network share is not recommended either. The
whole point of version control is that you have your own local working
copy, not having to access that remotely.
The problem with a wc on a network share is that for this to work, the
network share must implement the *full* features of file handlings. This
usually is only the case if the network share is provided by a windows
server. SAMBA or even NAS shares simply don't implement all the features
that are necessary, and then you get such errors.
Remember that the working copy metadata is kept in a database that's
inside the (hidden) .svn folder in the working copy root folder. That
database must not be accessed by multiple clients if the locking
features are not fully provided by the share. This is not a problem with
local working copies, because Windows provides all that's necessary. But
network shares (as mentioned above) don't always provide all the
necessary locking features, or don't implement them correctly.
Also, have a look at this:
As for why it worked in 1.8 but apparently doesn't in 1.9: there were
many improvements in the working copy format, including enhanced
database queries which of course require more locking in case multiple
clients access the database.
My suggestion: keep your working copy on a local harddrive. You'll save
yourself a lot of trouble, not just now but in the future.
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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Received on 2015-09-03 19:06:58 CEST