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Re: TSVN never asks for credentials (username, password) -- no solution works

From: Stefan Küng <tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 17:07:24 +0200

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 3:06 PM, Mathias Fricke <mfricke_at_modula4.com> wrote:

> hi,
> i've seen a plethora of questions with this topic -- and yet never a
> successful answer.
> issue as as follows:
> - i create a ssh tunnel outside of TSVN (via putty) to the SVN server
> - inside TSVN i try to access that SVN server via
> svn://localhost/foldername -- but all i get is
> > Checkout from svn://localhost/foldername/foo.jar, revision HEAD, Fully
> > recursive, Externals included
> > Unable to connect to a repository at URL
> > 'svn://localhost/foldername/foo.jar'
> > Can't connect to host 'localhost': Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt
> > werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte.
> the german part reads "Could not connect, target computer refuses
> connection"
> url is correct, tunnel is correct -- everything works on other platforms.
> the usual questions are pointless:
> - GUEST account is inactive on this machine (no idea about the server)
> - there has _NEVER_ been an attempt to use credentials (how could it) --
> therefore there's nothing cached
> - Settings -> Saved Data -> Authetication data is inactive
> - APPDATA/Subversion/auth contains no files, only the default folders
> i honestly fail to understand why there's apparently no way to force a
> credentials dialog -- apparently TSVN tries to be smart and fails
> completely.
> rule of thumb: smart smarts.
> i've never yet found "smart software" which was usable, smartness almost
> always fails and causes bad blood.
> if it seems i good idea to be smart, _ALWAYS_ include an option to disable
> it and let users decide.
> in this case: there _HAS_ to be a way to force username/password. judging
> from the sheer amount of complaints, smartness fails far too often.

I'm not surprised you can't get this to work, since you fail to understand
the very basics of ssh. Instead you're accusing TSVN of being stupid (by
being too smart) and without having *any* idea what's going on you're
already giving us your advice on how to do it better.

Now here's the deal:
With SSH, the applications that are tunneled can't see any authentication
attempt. Simply not possible. The SSH tools do all the authentication
because they create the tunnel. The applications (e.g. svn) only use the
finished tunnel.

And just a hint:
will never work if the svn server is not on your own machine - but then you
wouldn't need ssh...


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Received on 2014-05-21 17:07:59 CEST

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