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TSVN never asks for credentials (username, password) -- no solution works

From: Mathias Fricke <mfricke_at_modula4.com>
Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 15:06:53 +0200

i've seen a plethora of questions with this topic -- and yet never a
successful answer.
issue as as follows:
- i create a ssh tunnel outside of TSVN (via putty) to the SVN server
- inside TSVN i try to access that SVN server via
svn://localhost/foldername -- but all i get is

> Checkout from svn://localhost/foldername/foo.jar, revision HEAD, Fully
> recursive, Externals included
> Unable to connect to a repository at URL
> 'svn://localhost/foldername/foo.jar'
> Can't connect to host 'localhost': Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt
> werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte.

the german part reads "Could not connect, target computer refuses

url is correct, tunnel is correct -- everything works on other platforms.

the usual questions are pointless:

- GUEST account is inactive on this machine (no idea about the server)
- there has _NEVER_ been an attempt to use credentials (how could it) --
therefore there's nothing cached
- Settings -> Saved Data -> Authetication data is inactive
- APPDATA/Subversion/auth contains no files, only the default folders

i honestly fail to understand why there's apparently no way to force a
credentials dialog -- apparently TSVN tries to be smart and fails
rule of thumb: smart smarts.
i've never yet found "smart software" which was usable, smartness almost
always fails and causes bad blood.
if it seems i good idea to be smart, _ALWAYS_ include an option to disable
it and let users decide.

in this case: there _HAS_ to be a way to force username/password. judging
 from the sheer amount of complaints, smartness fails far too often.



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Received on 2014-05-21 16:37:36 CEST

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