On 15.12.2011 16:28, Neil Bird wrote:
> Around about 08/12/11 17:37, Stefan Küng typed ...
>> Can you check on your server side whether there's a limit reached about
>> the number of connections?
> Doesn't seem to be that. Following the apache log, there's a burst of
> activity, and then TSVN hangs (or occasionally reports the "problem
> contacting server" error).
> I managed to get a build I could debug, but I'm not really any the
> wiser. I'm attaching a screen shot of the main thread (which I presume
> is the GUI); it looks like it's the thing that's hanging, and it's
> waiting for something (in this case for ~45 seconds). I can't tell what,
> though.
> When it finally comes back, CRepositoryLister::CQuery::GetError() has
> returned an empty string, so there's nothing obvious there. Also, there
> is no activity at the server end during the hang, or at the point at
> which TSVN comes back (according to wireshark, no packets triggering the
> hang to end).
> It's not busy; there's seemingly no CPU usage. It's just waiting for
> something, and the wait is blocking he GUI.
Where does it stay in other threads?
You can disable externals browsing (in case you're using a nightly
build) under settings->advanced->RepoBrowserPrefetch and
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Received on 2011-12-15 20:50:54 CET