TSVN is a GUI client for SVN. The terminology needs to be consistent for the major functionality.
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On 04/12/2010, at 11:13, Eric Mitchell <Eric.Mitchell_at_flysfo.com> wrote:
> I use Tortoise/SVN rarely enough that there is always a very real risk that I will overwrite my code. The language it uses is not intuitive.
> Whereas “Import into SVN” would be clear, “Import” by itself is ambiguous. To most people, “import” means “to bring into my local area”; my first impression is that I should use this to bring code *from* SVN *into* my computer. “Export” would mean the opposite, although it would be an odd choice of words. When limited to one-word menu options, I would suggest words like “Upload” and “Download” that indicate direction from the user’s point-of-view. “Put” and “Get” would be familiar to many, but “Deposit” and “Withdraw” would fit nicely with the idea of a repository.
> The “Add” menu choice is pretty ambiguous – especially since the dialog box says “There’s nothing to add…”. One is left wondering “Add what to where?”. There’s space in the menu for more-intuitive verbage.
> “Commit” is perfect, but “Update”? “Update local” would be a step in the right direction.
> There’s space in the menu to make “Switch” and “Relocate” more self-explanatory. We all hate stopping to RTF – especially when every menu choice has to be looked up.
> Everyone loves intuitive software and Tortoise could be more so. As it is, Tortoise tends toward the risky end of the spectrum.
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Received on 2010-12-04 22:47:01 CET