RE: Re: Dumb newby question: moving from RCS
From: <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 14:39:59 -0800 (PST)
Kevin, thanks very much for the explanation. I think you're right in that this is the crux of my problem:
... You'll probably discover that once you master the SVN workflow, you will no longer like the RCS workflow. They are fundamentally different: RCS works on files, SVN works on directory trees (including files and properties).
I [obviously] don't fully understand the SVN-style workflow and I've been through the TSVN docs and part of my problem is that it is trying to explain how SVN works in a complicated environment (with parallel changes and branching versions, etc) and I'm not seeing the simple-enviroment trees for the fancy-stuff forest.
With Perl apps, there's no "make" and "release" -- the checked-in ["committed"] files *ARE* the app, and so part of the workflow isn't clear to me: I have the hierarchy PROJECT. PROJECT/SVN is my repository and PROJECT/PROJECT is where the actual in-production app lives [together with its various "extra" files: logs, docs, config files, etc]. I can easily right-click on SVN, do "check out a copy" into PROJECT/NEWSTUFF, play around, and then do a "commit" on the whole directory [so everything I changed and tweaked would get "checked in" -- that's the right way to do an SVN-styule workflow, yes?]
BUT: in the normal SVN workflow, how would that cycle propagate to producting a new "operational" version? [I'm guess that it would be in this last step [going from a commit in my NEW directory to "refreshing" the master copies in the PROJECT directory, however that happens] that the $REVISION$ and friends would get expanded, yes?
As a side note, I can get by without locking individual files, but I definitely would like to have the master PROJECT/PROJECT directory be read-only [so I don't forget and start editing *them* by mistake -- old habits die hard.]
Thanks again. /b\
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