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BUG? -- My Windows user setting's got messed up

From: Zu Kim <zuwhan_at_berkeley.edu>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 09:15:01 -0700

I don't know if this is TortoiseSVN problem or some other Windows
problem... There is no way I can (or I want to) re-try this. However, if
it's related to TortoiseSVN, it's a really really serious problem. I'm
reporting this only to find out if there is anyone else who suffered
from the same problem...

What happened:
- I upgraded to TortoiseSVN 1.5.0 then rebooted the machine. (I don't
know what the previous version was but I first installed TortoiseSVN in
December 2007).
- Then, I logged into my account -- somehow Windows couldn't read my
user profile properly and it couldn't link "Document and
Settings\ZuWhan" to my account.
- To fix that, I had to boot from Knoppix, move "Document and
Settings\ZuWhan" to something else, reboot with Windows, re-login and
wait for a while that Windows make a new "Document and Settings\ZuWhan"
directory, and copy the content manually to the newly made directory... T_T

Maybe it's related to that:
- I use TortoiseSVN to backup "My Document".

It is less likely but possibly related to that:
- My Windows user ID is "Zu Kim" but my profile dir name is somehow
"Document and Settings\ZuWhan". That happened while re-installing Windows...

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Received on 2008-07-29 18:36:42 CEST

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