I would like to suggest the following improvements to the UI dialogs:
* In the dialog "SVN Commit", you cannot see any changes that have
taken place on the server. I know you can see those changes already in
"Check for modifications". But I believe it can still be very useful to
see that someone else has already added some new files to the
* Again in the dialog "SVN Commit". It would be nice if you can
quickly see which files you selected. Maybe by a separate button
"Overview" that opens a dialog with a list of only the selected files.
Or maybe by allowing the user to sort on the "selected" column as well
as on the "Name" column.
* In both dialogs, "SVN Commit" and "Check for Modifications", it
can be helpful to see how many files are displayed, and how many files
are selected.
* In the dialog "Check for Modifications", when you press "Revert"
for a file, it will be removed from the list automatically. However,
when you select "Commit" it remains in the list (it only disappears
after a refresh). Please remove the file from the list when you press
"Commit" as well (after a Commit, the file should be identical to the
server, right?)
Thanks a lot for this great tool!
Kind Regards,
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Received on 2008-02-06 09:48:18 CET