On 8/2/06, Sebastian Good <sebastian@palladiumconsulting.com> wrote:
> We work on a project with many active branches. While we like that
> Subversion makes this easy, we find we are frustrated with the commit log
> messages. For many files on "trunk", the only comments for the last six
> months are like "merged changes from branch xxx (revision 123-456)". This
> does nothing to help a developer who wants to know "who did what to this
> file I'm editing!"
> Is it possible (via Tortoise or SVN) to construct a merge log message from
> all the log messages being used in the merge? I realize this might get
> incredibly long, but it could be better than nothing.
> Or, make it easy to expand the merge log entry itself in tortoise and
> "mine" back to the changes being referenced? I realize to do this the actual
> start and end revision numbers would have to be recorded somewhere
> programmatically, which I don't believe happens.
> How do other people handle this problem?
I use svnmerge.py to merge changes between trunk and various feature
branches. It constructs a single commit log message by concatenating
individual commit log messages. It also remembers which revisions were
merged and prevents re-merging.
I know merge-tracking is being actively worked on in the svn trunk but
svnmerge.py is the best thing we have for now.
Received on Thu Aug 3 15:50:16 2006