We work on a project with many active branches. While we like that
Subversion makes this easy, we find we are frustrated with the commit log
messages. For many files on "trunk", the only comments for the last six
months are like "merged changes from branch xxx (revision 123-456)". This
does nothing to help a developer who wants to know "who did what to this
file I'm editing!"
Is it possible (via Tortoise or SVN) to construct a merge log message from
all the log messages being used in the merge? I realize this might get
incredibly long, but it could be better than nothing.
Or, make it easy to expand the merge log entry itself in tortoise and "mine"
back to the changes being referenced? I realize to do this the actual start
and end revision numbers would have to be recorded somewhere
programmatically, which I don't believe happens.
How do other people handle this problem?
Many thanks.
Sebastian Good
Palladium Consulting Inc.
Received on Thu Aug 3 02:08:55 2006