Stefan Küng skrev:
> Now, that's something I really don't like. Automatic commits are a bad
> thing, and we'd loose the information *who* did the changes.
Well, with the possibility of widespread collaboration on Launchpad, it
seems insane to convert every edit into individual commits by the right
user (if that was even possible).
Launchpad does state (at every single string) who contributed the
string, as well as a list of suggestions (also name-tagged) in form of
previous translations and translations from other projects.
Lübbe has currently set the permission settings to "open", allowing
anyone to contribute, but it is also possible to set a leader for each
language who then will be the only one authorized to edit the
translation, while others then can contribute with suggestions for the
individual strings, for the leader to evaluate. If done that way, you
could tag automatic commits with the leaders nick (if looking at the LP
page isn't enough), as any changes would have been authorized by either
him or a project administrator.
If it is *really* important to commit them by hand, I guess that could
be done as well. Not much for nightly builds though...
> If we really want to use Launchpad for translations (which I'm not so
> happy about either: yet another server for our project beside
> sourceforge, tigris and, then the translations would
> have to be manually fetched from Launchpad and committed by translators
> who supervise the changes.
I understand your concern about spreading things all over the place. I'd
prefer to have things in one place too! Nevertheless, I think
possibilities such as this one should be considered with both advantages
and disadvantages in mind. It's all up to you to make the call, I'm just
trying to give a hand.
- Christian
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Received on 2008-06-17 22:18:46 CEST