Stefan Küng wrote:
>>>Do you really think it's that important? You know, making a release is a
>>>lot of work...
>>Well the only other solution is for users to go back to 1.2.4.
>Häh? How about just deselecting already added files? Or even better:
>commit those already added files before you add another bunch of
You cannot tell from the "TSVN Add..." dialog which files have already
been added, so that is no good. Circumventing a problem is not a
solution at all, because: releasing a updated version of a software
*must* not introduce new bugs, especially not break any existing and
fundamental features.
I beg you to revise your procedure for releasing new feature versions
vs. releasing bugfix versions. We cannot have TSVN telling that a new
version is available, then install it and find out that it is broken and
then have to downgrade it. It's a waste of time (and time is money where
I work).
Best wishes,
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Received on Tue Oct 25 10:53:50 2005