I'm sorry that answering is late.
If you want to use fragment, just unzip the file which I
sent with last mail,
and put the folder
'org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.ui.nl1_0.9.34' in plugin
The result of using fragment is same as the other way,
including *_ja.properties (for example) in your plugin.
you can get more details about fragment at :
(there is a few mismatches because the article uses old
version of Eclipse.)
>What are the benefits of the fragment?
I think the benefit of the fragment is that we can
separate translation work from main development.
we don't have to modify plugin itself for
>English-speaking users would not have to download and
install the localization
your point is correct.
>Does one fragment serve all localizations or is it one
fragment per locale?
One fragment can serve all lacalizations.
Although You can also divide it into some fragments,
users must select which language pack to get.
>can you zip and send it as an Eclipse project
I attached Eclipse project 'nl1_project.zip'.
However, you might not need it becaouse you don't have to
Received on Wed Oct 19 12:24:27 2005