"Oliver Niekrenz" <oliver@niekrenz.de> wrote on 10/17/2006 03:02:34 PM:
> > I did not make any change to this:
> >
> > 2) using the commandline client a WC->WC copy failed
> >
> > I think this is an svnAnt problem. The client adapter has a method
for a
> > WC->WC copy:
> Ah, sorry, I used URL->WC copy
> svnant Copy calls (line93):
> svnClient.copy(SVNUrl, File, SVNRevision)
> CmdLineClientAdapter copy(SVNUrl, File, SVNRevision) (line 875ff) calls:
> _cmd.copy(String, String, null, String) <--- !!!!!
> SvnCommandLine copy(String, String, String, String) (line 225ff) does
> args.addLogMessage(message);
> svnant works rights for all WC/URL permutations but the command line
> does not.
> But as I see a simple replacement of CmdLineClientAdapter line 878 to
> _cmd.copy(String, String) will not fully work because then the revision
> be ignored. Looks like there is more work to do.
> There are just two cases: *->WC without message and *->URL with message
> the SvnCommandLine class handles this in two copy functions but the
> copy(String, String) function is missing the revision when the source is
> URL.
> change copy(String, String) (line 249ff) to copy(String, String, String)
> where the third string is the revision which can be handled like in
> copy(String, String, String, String) above:
> if (revision != null) {
> args.add("-r");
> args.add(validRev(revision));
> }
I do not think that is the right approach. The WC to WC copy method
should not take a revision argument as it is supposed to copy the contents
on one WC to another. Now that I know what you wanted to do, I think I
have committed the correct fix.
Are you able to test the same scenario with the other adapters?
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