Julian Foad <julianfoad@btopenworld.com> writes:
> Jesper Steen Møller wrote:
>> I'm proposing to add functionality for "handling" encoding in the
>> text content which Subversion handles.
> This proposal looks generally quite promising, with the potential to
> introduce some useful and practical behaviours, but I'm not exactly
> sure what you are aiming to achieve. You wrote about the
> implementation method that you have chosen, but did not say what you
> want users to be able to do, or why. What are the user-oriented
> goals? To help describe the goals, it might be helpful to include
> some "use cases", i.e. realistic concrete examples (like transcripts)
> that demonstrate the various ways in which the user can interact with
> this feature.
For example if someone were to use svn:encoding="iso-8859-1" to
produce a working file in iso-8859-1 the file in the working copy
would be exactly the same as it is today without your new feature.
The svn:encoding="native" would have some effect, but it's not clear
to me how useful it would be. You mentioned Java source; I don't know
a great deal about Java but ISO C source code can also, in theory, be
written in any encoding. While such source can be converted from one
encoding to another automatically it usually requires human review to
ensure that the meaning of the code is preserved.
Philip Martin
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Received on Wed Mar 29 01:46:06 2006