C. Michael Pilato wrote:
>Then I must present my position reversal reversal petition, whereby I
>petition to reverse the reversal of my position. I'll follow with my
>updated position proposition, in which I propose that after reversing
>the reversal of my position, my position is now undefined.
Only if the reversal space has helicoidal topology, and each reversal
step ends with a rotation in the n+1-dimensional reversal hyperspace.
Then a reversal of a reversal can send your position outside the
reversal space proper, making it in effect undefined in the confines of
that space.
Otherwise, a reversal of a reversal will always leave you in the same
reversal space, even if it doesn't necessarily (in non-Euclidean spaces)
place you in the original position.
>I need a physician.
I suggest a topologist instead. Even surgeons only operate in a
(locally) Euclidean space -- although I admit it's often a fairly yucky
space that can turn your stomach, but that transformation is
topologically neutral..
-- Brane
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Received on Tue Sep 27 17:31:22 2005