"C. Michael Pilato" <cmpilato@collab.net> writes:
> Scott Palmer <scott.palmer@2connected.org> writes:
> > Am I correct then in thinking (what I originally thought, but didn't
> > fully grok) that if I think I need to change anything outside of the
> > subversion/clients/cmdline folder that I need to slap my self back to
> > reality?
> Sounds correct to me. Though, be gentle when slapping. Maybe "love
> taps" are more in order, considering this is your first trip into our
> codebase and all.
I don't know about this. I looked at this problem in some depth, and
I doubt it can be solved just under subversion/clients/cmdline/. At
any rate I don't think you should be surprised if changes start being
required elsewhere...
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Received on Fri Aug 5 20:52:58 2005