SteveKing wrote:
> Branko Čibej wrote:
>> One thing I'm nervous about is your calling GetProcAddress instead of
>> GetProcAddressA, when the name of the procedure is always a
>> narrow-character string.
> There's no GetProcAddressA and no GetProcAddressW - just
> GetProcAddress which takes a narrow char string. At least in the SDK
> I'm using here.
Oops, you're right.
> I don't like the idea of command-line programs popping up dialogue
> boxes. This is especially annoying when the program in question is a
> server, such as svnserve. I'd like to have a way to configure the
> crash reporter to dump the data in a text file instead, and perhaps
> leave a pointer to that file in the event log.
> That would require a change to the crashreporter dll itself.
> Also, I don't quite see the point: if svnserve crashes, it won't
> restart automatically. So having a dialog open which shows info about
> the crash won't hurt?
I think you're wrong about svnserve not restarting -- it can and will,
if it's wrapped with some kind of service wrapper.
But more important: we're talking about server administration here.
Servers usually run unattended. The biggest pain in the ass about
Windows (as a server OS) is that 99% of the server software running on
it assumes that someone will always monitor the server through a GUI.
Your crash report code even assumes that the box actually has a mail
client installed.
An administrator can view the event log remotely (without a GUI login),
and can get at files on the server remotely.
The patch itself is almsot there, I only counted one tab, a few cases of
hungarian notation, and some funny indentaion and space-before-paren not
consistent with the rest of the file.
But before we go and iron out these nits, let's solve the problem of the
format of the crash reports themselves, please.
-- Brane
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Received on Mon Jul 25 02:26:50 2005