kfogel@collab.net writes:
> After more consideration, I think that disconnected accessibility to
> log message templates is not all that important. I'm not trying to
> mindlessly champion the RA/hook idea here -- I just want to point out
> how one suggested drawback is not actually much of a drawback.
> Watch Q persuade A that disconnected template access is not important:
> Q: Why would accessibility to the template while disconnected from
> the server be important?
> A: Well, that would allow you to prepare your patch and write your
> log message while sitting in an airplane or whatever.
> Q: So you're saying that if you don't have access to the template,
> because you forgot to save a copy locally before the plane took
> off, that means you can't really do offline work?
> A: Er, okay, I guess you can. You can still write your changes,
> and write the bulk of your log message. Most log message
> templates (all the ones I've ever seen, anyway) just ask for a
> few special fields, like an issue tracker ID number, and maybe
> give some hints as to how to format the log message. While
> you're offline, you can't commit anyway. When you do finally
> commit, it's trivial to transform your log message into whatever
> the template suggests. And even that's only if you didn't save
> a copy before takeoff.
> Q: But, might there be templates so intricate that you basically
> have to have the template available as you write your log
> message?
> A: Whose side are you on, anyway? Let's be real. Have you ever
> seen a template like that? I haven't. They've all been pretty
> simple things, a few fields to fill in, maybe some reminders,
> that sort of thing. Sure, they've been *different* from project
> to project, but I can't say that a template has ever caused a
> drastic change in the content (as opposed to the formatting) of
> my log message.
Q: I guess you're right. Which makes me wonder why those
Subversion guys designed such a complex
network-turnin'-around, hook-script-generatin' system for such
a simple, basically static result?
Sorry. Couldn't resist. :-)
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Received on Fri May 20 05:29:59 2005