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Re: RFC: Log Message Templates via new hook.

From: <kfogel_at_collab.net>
Date: 2005-05-19 23:11:50 CEST

After more consideration, I think that disconnected accessibility to
log message templates is not all that important. I'm not trying to
mindlessly champion the RA/hook idea here -- I just want to point out
how one suggested drawback is not actually much of a drawback.

Watch Q persuade A that disconnected template access is not important:

   Q: Why would accessibility to the template while disconnected from
      the server be important?

   A: Well, that would allow you to prepare your patch and write your
      log message while sitting in an airplane or whatever.

   Q: So you're saying that if you don't have access to the template,
      because you forgot to save a copy locally before the plane took
      off, that means you can't really do offline work?

   A: Er, okay, I guess you can. You can still write your changes,
      and write the bulk of your log message. Most log message
      templates (all the ones I've ever seen, anyway) just ask for a
      few special fields, like an issue tracker ID number, and maybe
      give some hints as to how to format the log message. While
      you're offline, you can't commit anyway. When you do finally
      commit, it's trivial to transform your log message into whatever
      the template suggests. And even that's only if you didn't save
      a copy before takeoff.

   Q: But, might there be templates so intricate that you basically
      have to have the template available as you write your log

   A: Whose side are you on, anyway? Let's be real. Have you ever
      seen a template like that? I haven't. They've all been pretty
      simple things, a few fields to fill in, maybe some reminders,
      that sort of thing. Sure, they've been *different* from project
      to project, but I can't say that a template has ever caused a
      drastic change in the content (as opposed to the formatting) of
      my log message.

   Q: I guess you're right, disconnected template access isn't so

   A: Just what I've always said.

Pseudo-Psocratically Yours,

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Received on Thu May 19 23:48:26 2005

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