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Re: [PATCH] Include offending XML in "Malformed XML" error message

From: Charles Bailey <bailey.charles_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2005-04-21 21:43:21 CEST

On 2/28/05, Peter N. Lundblad <peter@famlundblad.se> wrote:
> Not its output, but the strings internally. With few exceptions our APIs
> work with UTF8 internally. The problem with adding "raw data" is that the
> error message will be invalid UTF8 and you will have recoding errors
> later. Our own error output routines will escape the whole string then,
> but that might not other libraries do. So, yes, keeping our strings valid
> UTF8 is a goal.
> > If it is a general policy to convert to UTF-8, should I code this as a
> > separate function, rather than putting the logic into parse_xml?
> >
> You can put it in a separate function. Keep it internal to the file,
> though, until we see another use case for it. We can export it if that
> happens.

Well, after umpteen interrupts from the rest of life,I finally got a
few hours to look at this again. In checking was was already
available, I found a handful of "string escaping" function in various
places which perform similar tasks (at least one with the comment
"this should share code with other_string_escaping_routine()"). Since
I'd have to add ya such function, I thought I'd try to abstract it a
bit, with the hope that similar routines could use a common base.
I've appended a short proposal at the bottom of this messages,
containing a common "engine" and an example implementation for
creating a UTF-8-safe version of an arbitrary string.

While it's certainly more complex than just coding another
fuzzy_escape_foo(), I think it'd be a win in the long run to minimize
the number of near-parallel routines in subversion. Of course,
there'll still have to be multiple glue routines for C strings,
counted strings, etc.

BTW, on the topic of common behaviors, what led to the use of decimal
"?\uuu" as the common representation of "illegal" bytes? I don't see
a technical problem; I'm just asking because my brain thinks aout bit
patterns more easily in "?\xx".

Comments welcomed, before I invest any more time along this path.

Charles Bailey
Lists: bailey _dot_ charles _at_ gmail _dot_ com
Other: bailey _at_ newman _dot_ upenn _dot_ edu
 * Quick prototype of "string escaping" common routine and UTF-8 task.
 * Builds with
 *    gcc -I/usr/local/include/subversion-1 -I/usr/local/apr/include/apr-0 \
 *           -L/usr/local/apr/lib -lsvn_subr-1 -lapr-0 -o esctest  esctest.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "svn_pools.h"
#include "svn_string.h"
/** Scan @a instr of length @a len bytes, copying to stringbuf @a outsbuf,
 * escaping bytes as indicated by the lookup array @isok and the mapping
 * function @mapper.  Memory is allocated from @a pool.
 * This is designed to be the common pathway for various string "escaping"
 * functions scattered through subversion.  The basic approach is to scan
 * an input and decide whether each byte is OK as it stands, needs to be
 * "escaped" using subversion's "?\uuu" default format, or needs to be
 * transformed in some other way.  The decision is made using a two step
 * process, which is designed to handle the simple cases quickly but allow
 * for more complex mappings.  Since the typical string will (we hope)
 * comprise mostly simple cases, this shouldn't require much code
 * complexity or loss of efficiency.  The two steps used are:
 * 1. The value of a byte from the input string ("test byte") is used as an
 *    index into a (usually 255 byte) array passed in by the caller.
 *      - If the value of the appropriate array element is 0xff, 
 *        then the test byte is escaped as a "?\uuu" string in the output.
 *      - If the value of the appropriate element is otherwise non-zero,
 *        that many bytes are copied verbatim from the input to the output.
 * 2. If the array yields a 0 value, then a mapping function provided by
 *    the caller is used to allow for more complex evaluation.  This function
 *    receives five arguments:
 *      - a pointer to the pointer used by svn_do_char_escape to
 *        mark the test byte in the input string
 *      - a pointer to the start of the input string
 *      - the length of the input string
 *      - a pointer to the output stringbuf
 *      - the ever-helpful pool.
 *    The mapping function may return an nonzero value, which is interpreted
 *    as described in step 1 above, or zero, indicating that the test byte
 *    should be ignored.  In the latter case, this is generally because the
 *    mapping function has done the necessary work itself; it's free to
 *    modify the output stringbuf and adjust the pointer to the test byte
 *    as it sees fit (within the bounds of the input string).  At a minimum,
 *    it should at least increment the pointer to the test byte before
 *    returning 0, in order to avoid an infinite loop.
static void
svn_do_char_escape (svn_stringbuf_t **outsbuf,
		    unsigned char *instr,
		    apr_size_t len,
		    unsigned char *isok,
		    int (*mapper)(),
		    apr_pool_t *pool)
  unsigned char *base, *c;
  if (*outsbuf == NULL)
    *outsbuf = svn_stringbuf_create ("", pool);
  for (c = base = instr; c < instr + len; ) {
    apr_size_t count = isok[*c];
    if (count == 0) {
      if (c > base)
	svn_stringbuf_appendbytes (*outsbuf, base, c - base);
      count = mapper (&c,instr,len,*outsbuf,pool);
    if (count == 255) {
      char esc[6];
      if (c > base)
	svn_stringbuf_appendbytes (*outsbuf, base, c - base);
      sprintf (esc,"?\\%03u",*c);
      svn_stringbuf_appendcstr (*outsbuf, esc);
      base = c;
    else c += count;
  if (c > base)
    svn_stringbuf_appendbytes (*outsbuf, base, c - base);
/** Determine whether the (presumably high-half) byte pointed to by
 * @a *cur is the start of a legal UTF-8 sequence in @a str, and tell
 * the caller to either copy the legal sequence or escape the current
 * byte as illegal.
static int
svn_utf8_mapper (char **cur,
		 unsigned char *str,
		 apr_size_t len,
		 svn_stringbuf_t *target,
		 apr_pool_t *pool)
  unsigned char *c, *end = str + len;
  if (!cur || !*cur) return 255;  /* Can't help you; sorry */
  c = *cur;
  if (c[0] < 0x80) return 1; /* Shouldn't happen */
  if ( (c[0] >= 0xc2 && c[0] < 0xdf)   &&
       (c + 1 <= end)                  &&
       (c[1] >= 0x80 && c[1] <= 0xbf) )
    return 2;
  if (c[0] >= 0xe0 && c[0] <= 0xef) {
    if ( (c + 2 > end)                 ||
	 (c[1] <  0x80 || c[1] > 0xbf) ||
	 (c[2] <  0x80 || c[2] > 0xbf) ||
	 (c[0] == 0xe0 && c[1] < 0xa0) ||
	 (c[0] == 0xed && c[1] > 0x9f) )
      return 255;
    return 3;
  if (c[0] >= 0xf0 && c[0] <= 0xf4) {
    if ( (c + 3 > end)                 ||
	 (c[1] <  0x80 || c[1] > 0xbf) ||
	 (c[2] <  0x80 || c[2] > 0xbf) ||
	 (c[3] <  0x80 || c[3] > 0xbf) ||
	 (c[0] == 0xf0 && c[1] < 0x90) ||
	 (c[0] == 0xf4 && c[1] > 0x8f) )
      return 255;
    return 4;
  return 255;  /* Shouldn't happen */
/** Copy @a str of length @a len to @a *outsbuf, escaping bytes which are
 * not legal UTF-8 sequences.  Memory is allocated from @a pool as needed.
 * If @a *outsbuf is NULL, a new stringbuf is created.
 * This is the "public" entry point to the common escaping engine for
 * building UTF-8-safe strings.
static void
svn_escape_utf8 (svn_stringbuf_t **outsbuf,
		 unsigned char *str,
		 apr_size_t len,
		 apr_pool_t *pool)
  static unsigned char utf8safe[255];
  if (!utf8safe[0]) {
    memset (utf8safe, 1, 0x7f);         /* 0x00 - 0x7f always legal */
    memset (utf8safe + 0x80, 0, 0x7f);  /* 0x80 - 0xff need check, except */
    memset (utf8safe + 0xc0, 255, 2);   /* 0xc0 - 0xc1 always illegal */
    memset (utf8safe + 0xf5, 255, 11);  /* oxf5 - 0xff always illegal */
  svn_do_char_escape (outsbuf, str, len, utf8safe, svn_utf8_mapper, pool);
/* Quick hack to run some simple tests */
int main() {
  char test[4][6] = { { 'A', 'S', 'C', 'I', 'I', '\0'  },
		      { 'B', 'E', 'L', 0x07, '!', '\0' },
		      { 0xe2, 0x98, 0xba, 'O', 'K', '\0' },
		      { 0xe2, 0xff, 0xba, 'N', 'O', '\0' }, };
  int i;
  svn_stringbuf_t *outsbuf;
  apr_pool_t *pool;
  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    outsbuf = NULL;
    printf("Original: \"%s\"\n", test[i]);
    svn_escape_utf8(&outsbuf, test[i], 5, pool);
    printf("Escaped: \"%s\"\n", outsbuf->data);
  return 0;
/*  End of message */
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Received on Thu Apr 21 21:44:21 2005

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