On Sun, Apr 04, 2004 at 06:25:18PM +0200, Jens-Uwe Mager wrote:
> >From running a subversion server for quite a while (about over a year
> now) I get the feeling that for stability of the main server we
> absolutely have to ban all access via file urls and other non-http
> access methods. this in particular appears to affect viewcvs and similar
> which appears to have wedged our repository several times the last few
> days alone.
> This appears to contradict the recommendation of the developers to use
> the direct svn API for utilities like viewcvs. I am getting the feeling
> that this recommendation is a reciepe for disaster, as you never get a
> stable repository as long as you allow develpment of utilities using the
> direct access methods. What do the others think about this conflict?
> --
> Jens-Uwe Mager <pgp-mailto:F476EBC2>
You might be interested in this thread:
While this doesn't solve the architectural problem (bugs in ViewCVS can
wedge the repo), it may well solve your actual problem.
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Received on Sun Apr 4 22:55:25 2004