>I think the problem here is that we need a FAQ about this. You're
>about the 20th person in the last year to request that Subversion
>re-invent all ViewCVS functionality. It's been discussed to death,
>and the consensus is that such a feature would be a) a huge amount of
>work to support, and b) redundant with existing 3rd-party tools.
>Perhaps the larger problem here is that we "tease" people into wanting
>ViewCVS features, by allowing *any* sort of web browsing at all.
>Technically, the WebDAV spec says that when a client (i.e. web
>browser) does a GET request on a collection (directory), the server's
>response is "undefined". That means we could legally throw a 404.
>But instead, we decided to throw a cute little HTML listing of
>directory-entries in the HEAD revision, just to be nice. But that's
>the "tease" which leaves folks wanting more. Maybe that was a bad
>decision in retrospect... especially since 'svn ls http://' will give
>you exact same information. :-(
That was useful info! But I must disagree with the consensus "b) redundant
with existing 3rd-party tools" since there are no good/stable web browsing
facilities for Subversion around.
I can totally understand part a)
The out-of-the-box capability of beeing able to send a
"http://myserver/svn/myproject/the-latest-design-doc.pdf" URL over mail is
fantastic. So is browsing the repos. Then, as you note, people want more and
I think ViewCVS simply isn't good enough (at least yet)
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Received on Thu Aug 21 20:36:16 2003