RFC: a permanent svn-specific URL syntax
From: Ben Collins-Sussman <sussman_at_collab.net>
Date: 2003-05-27 21:36:31 CEST
New users come up with this question over and over again:
"I need a public URL that represents a (rev, path) pair in the repository."
Our answer up till now has always been:
* mod_dav_svn has a secret format for this, but it is always subject
* just use 'svn [cat|ls] -rN URL'
* or just use ViewCVS
But I've mentioned this before: I can't think of a reason *not* to
A) we all want a new, permanent, public, non-changing URL syntax
Is this true? I don't think it would be very hard to support, and it
I'll just file a new feature request, assuming nobody has any
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