Re: Logging granularity
From: Branko ÄŒibej <>
Date: 2003-05-16 04:41:51 CEST
maru wrote:
>(shh, don't tell - I have used bitkeeper for some of my projects!)
>The strongest single argument for per-file PLUS per-revision logs is bitkeeper. It provides all the power of per-revision logging, which you argue for very convincingly. And believe me, despite my vitriol, I do agree with all of your arguments. But I do not believe that they invalidate the usefulness of having optional per-file comments _in addtion to_ the per-revision comments. Bitkeeper supports this, and I found it very useful to have an over-arching revision comment like 'changed interface in encoder.h and updated dependants' and then optionally comment on each file where functional changes were required. This offers all the benefits of per-revision logging that you have lauded, with the added benefit of providing specific file comments where necessary - tied to the file instead of lumped in a general comment. I find this to be a more elegant solution to cvs's logging shortcomings than the svn way.
>That said, I have been provided a number of suggestions to add per-file revision support to svn. It is a great product and I enjoy using it despite this minor issue.
So it comes down to UI issues, and the API that is needed to support a
-- Brane ÄŒibej <> --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: dev-help@subversion.tigris.orgReceived on Fri May 16 04:42:46 2003 |
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