> > cmpilato@collab.net wrote:
> > > Seriously, though, is there any reason not to overload the '!' to mean
> > > both "missing" and "incomplete" ? Both indicate a problem that is
> > > solved using 'svn up'.
> >
> > +1 on this. I'm already hardwired to run svn up when I see this.
> This isn't a bad idea. It banks on habits we already have.
It's a bad idea.
Knowing that a file that's in the repository isn't on disk is -useful- ...
it means that I deleted a file and forgot to do it under svn, or (more
commonly) it means that a file got deleted by some outside force that
doesn't know about subversion (in my case, rsync).
It's very easy to do an 'svn stauts' and see that, for example, an rsync
I was doing deleted half a dozen files and that I should look at, confirm
that are OK to delete, and then do the associated 'svn delete' on them.
If you start overloading that symbol ... All of a sudden, that doesn't
hold true anymore, and I don't just want to do an 'svn update' when I see
a ! because it means I may break something I already did. If I see a ! is
it from a missing file, or from an incomplete update?
[Yes, I realize that an incomplete checkout/etc right now could also still
give a !, but taht's not really my point]
I guess my point is -- We're not running out of symbols, so why the heck
would it be beneficial to start overloading them? "File was removed" and
"file never got checked out" are two very, very different things, and just
because they both result in the file not being on the disk, doesn't mean
they should have the same representation.
Destroying the usefulness of semantic information leads down the path to
But I ramble.
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Received on Thu May 15 08:53:01 2003