SteveKing wrote:
>>It works for VC6 because the source files are in the neon folder. I
>>guess the .dsp conversion isn't perfect.
>Exactly. I just spent the last hour to find a setting in the VS.NET
>projects which specifies the base directory. There isn't any.
>Even google couldn't help me here. So it seems VS.NET
>doesn't support that anymore.
I don't believe this. If that's true, then how do all the other .vcproj
things work? They're in a different directory from both the object and
source directories.
>To overcome that I had to do the following changes:
>in build_neon.bat add the line
>@echo off
>cd ..\..\neon
>on top.
>Then in the project file change the "build command line" from
>cmd /c ..\build\win32\build_neon.bat debug|
>cmd /c build_neon.bat debug
>and the same for the "Rebuild All Command Line" and of
>course for the release build settings too.
>I think this is the best solution 'cause it will work for
>VC6 too. That way one project file is enough 'cause
>if no "base directory" is set in a VC6 project file
>VS.NET can convert it correctly.
>Do you mind changing the VC6 project file and the
>bat file that way? Are there any reasons not to do that?
First, I'd like to see this in the form of a patch. I can't follow your
And what happened to the plan to create a neon.vcproj? I'd prefer that
to relying on .dsp conversion. We have a generator, after all, and we
have to make it work. I'm disinclined to accept patches that make
.dsp->.vcproj conversion work instead of making the generator work.
Brane Čibej <>
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Received on Tue May 13 21:36:02 2003