In a message dated: Wed, 05 Mar 2003 13:48:57 PST
Julian Fitzell said:
>You also typed the command line to add the file to the svn:ignore
>property (or somebody did). Didn't you know what you were doing then?
>If you know what you're doing when you add that file then
>you should be able to indicate that you know what you're doing by either
>specifying --force, or modifying svn:ignore.
I disagree. If I set ignore, it means that generally, I want to
ignore these types of files. If I explicitly type it on the command
line, then I explicitly want to add the file, otherwise, I'd just
ignore it.
On one hand, in the case of explicitly adding a file which is
otherwise to be ignored, it's most likely an exception to the rule for
which you instituted the ignore in the first place. Therefore, I
shouldn't have to explicitly state it twice (i.e. on the command line
and a --force) once should be enough.
On the other hand, the globbing scenario comes up. Here I'm really
tempted to say this too should follow the above rule, where globbing
is considered an explicit statement of over-riding the ignore. I'm an
idealistic optimist who really believes developers can learn.
On the third hand, I'm also a realistic sysadmin who has realized that
there are many who refuse to :) And it is this scenario which tempts
me to say that globbing should follow the -R rule of ignoring that
which is specified to be ignored.
On the fourth hand, if you're using 'svn add *', why aren't you using
-R or otherwise explicitly stating all the files you want to add?
It wouldn't seem all that much work to explicitly add only those you
want added? How much typing are you really saving with the *?
(obviously this will vary drastically between projects, individuals,
and development styles).
But, back on the third hand :) ...
>>>>> On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, "Robert" == Robert Pluim wrote:
Robert> ROFL! You think people who administer SCM systems get a say
Robert> in which developers get hired? You think developers bother
Robert> to learn how their tools work? You think <aagh, must ...
Robert> stop ... rant ... of ... death> ;-)
Yeah, that about sums up my experiences as a sysadmin :)
As Brian just pointed out
>in another message, rm doesn't remove a file with the write bit removed
>by default, because you already indicated that the file shouldn't be
>modified. In this case you indicated that the file should be ignored
>and svn should respect that until you tell it otherwise.
>> > If we don't honour svn:ignore by default, I'm going to spend my time
>> > removing generated files that other developers have checked in by
>> > mistake even though I set up svn:ignore properly.
>> Get new developers or make your hiring process more stringent.
>A nice thought, but as you probably know, it is not always that simple.
> And even if we did, I'd still like to be able to "svn add *". Why
>do you think I set the svn:ignore property? What the hell is the point
>of setting it if I still have to make sure every command line I run
>doesn't accidentaly include any of those files in the globs?
>Not to mention when I do an "svn st" I won't even see them listed with
>question marks (because they're being ignore) so I would logically
>expect that "svn add *" is going to add all (and only) the files that
>show up as unversioned in the status output.
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Received on Wed Mar 5 23:09:49 2003