Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU> writes:
> The semantics you're looking for sound much more like URNs than URLs.
> (Not that URN support has ever materialized, but that's no excuse for
> hijacking URLs into acting like URNs.)
I'm less worried about hijacking TLA's and more thinking about how
people use these things. They E-mail them around, publish them in
papers, write them on paper napkins, etc. It would be nice if
Subversion supported them in a way that facilitated those uses.
> ra_svn tunneled over ssh is a fundamentally different protocol than
> ra_svn over TCP. The URL identifies the protocol as well as the
> hostname and path. HTTP proxies are mostly transparent (you use the
> same protocol with a different endpoint), but this is not.
Okay. I guess the point is that the server configuration really
affects the choice of agent. An HTTP server works the same whether
it's accessed directly or via a proxy; since it's really the user's
problem to get their packets across to the server, the details of
their proxy configurations can be kept local. An ra_svn server,
however, may only support some kinds of tunnelling agents (SSH, or
Kerberized rsh, say), so the agent is really something everyone
accessing a given repository needs to know.
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Received on Wed Dec 4 21:28:00 2002