I'm really trying to do Subversion development on OS X+fink for the
first time now, and it's pretty darn slow. Not SVN, but the build time!
Every time I make a tiny change in any file, it has to recompile the
file (fine), relink the library it's in (fine), and then relink all the
other libraries. And this takes many minutes. Is there something I
can do to speed this up? Is there a way to call "make check" so it
doesn't relink all the libraries? Is jlibtool something I can switch
My setup:
./configure --disable-shared --enable-maintainer-mode
APR, APR-util, SVN all HEAD
No Apache
autoconf 2.54
libtool 1.4.2
gcc 3.1
-David Mankin
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Received on Tue Nov 26 17:36:16 2002