My name is Martin Streicher, and I am the Editor of Linux Magazine. Our
April 03 issue is focused on software development tools, and I would like to
know whether Subversion is far enough along to be the topic of a feature
article in that issue. I scanned some of the release notes for recent builds
and see that Subversion is now self-hosting, but I also see that there are
many features to be implemented.
To be clear, I am not concerned about the state of the code. If we ran an
article on Subversion, I would want readers to understand how it differs
from CVS, what itıs unique features are, and how it compared to other source
control tools, both commercial and open source. If Subversion is a
next-generation management tool, and that design could be shown and
explained, that might be enough.
Please drop me a line and let me know your thoughts. I know I am sending to
a mailing list, so perhaps it is best to discuss the pros and cons and send
a single response. Also, it would be ideal if the author of the story came
from the development team and is capable of producing a compelling magazine
article. Iıd like the story to be authoritative. I can assist in story
development, but would expect good writing skills.
I look forward to your response. And, I am happy to answer questions.
Martin Streicher, Editor
Linux Magazine
Received on Wed Nov 6 02:32:58 2002